Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent animal on the planet, though they often act to the contrary. Stupidity and ignorance are two different things, this blog is about the stupid things the mindless masses continue to do in their quest for profit, fitting in, dominance and all the other selfish endeavors people subscribe to. Things that make people with a brain say "You Godda Be Kiddin Me!

Monday, August 20, 2012

How Inconsiderate!

I hate Perfume!
I like fresh air and believe I have the natural right as a living thing on this planet, whose life depends on it, to be able to breath it all the time. But yet there are those in the mindless masses who believe they have the right to do what ever they want no matter how it effects others. Like people who suck cancer sticks, perfume wearers are inconsiderate and have no respect for what is natural or what others around them need. They are selfish, mindless and inconsiderate.
  Do you really think because you were stupid enough to spent $50 an ounce on that crap that it actually smells good? Do you think because you saw an actor in an expensive car and a fur coat on TV telling you you should wear this stuff because it makes you sexy, that it really does? Do you really think because the makers of a certain soap tells you that your clothes will smell like Spring if you use their product that it really does? Get off the couch and go outside and see what Spring really smells like and start to think for yourself for once!
 Perfume, fragrance oils and other artificial smells are poison, period. They are air pollution, no matter what the manufacture tells you, or the rich celebrity getting paid millions to lie to you tells you. They are in your soap, in your cleaning products, in your air "fresheners"(what a joke, lets poison the air than call it fresh!), your laundry detergents, your skin creams your toothpaste etc, etc etc.
 Many perfumes can contain up to 500 chemicals (, many of which are carcinogenic, lung and skin irritants and central nervous system poisons and get absorbed through your skin, circulating the poison to every cell in your body. People who put poison on their skin don't put two and two together. Many medications are delivered from "patches" put on the skin, why, because your skin absorbs most things you put on it. Sea sick? Put on a patch. Want to quit smoking? Put on a patch. Heart problems? Put on a patch. Want to poison yourself? Put on perfume! Want to poison your kids and family? Put on perfume! 
  Once these poisons enter your (or your child's) blood stream, whether through inhalation or skin absorption, the body has to start to fight these toxins. Your liver and your immune system are hard at work trying to save your stupid ass. Many of the poisons get absorbed into your cells and into your fatty tissue causing perpetual poisoning and carcinogenesis. Thanks Mom!
  So, if you do this to yourself and your family on a day to day basis, through perfumes, fabricsofteners, dish and laundry detergent, soap, skin creams, air "fresheners", sunscreen, candles, cat litter, and the list goes on; you are setting yourself and your family up for ill health that can take form from anything like allergies, cancer, immune suppression, nervous system problems, to head aches, lower learning abilities, seizures, fatigue, lethargy, poor concentration etc. 
  So, next time you go out in public and you are forced to be on line or sit next to or even forced to work with some inconsiderate ignoramus, just think of what they are doing to you and your child.