Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent animal on the planet, though they often act to the contrary. Stupidity and ignorance are two different things, this blog is about the stupid things the mindless masses continue to do in their quest for profit, fitting in, dominance and all the other selfish endeavors people subscribe to. Things that make people with a brain say "You Godda Be Kiddin Me!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Biggest Stupidity

 Imagine you are a Scientist studying animal behavior in a Forest. A fire breaks out in the forest, all the animals instinctively run in the opposite direction. Than you notice an animal moving towards an area the fire has just passed, as it gets close, it goes over to a smoldering log and starts to suck the toxic smoke deep into its lungs. Than you notice other individuals of the same species gathering around each other doing the same thing. First you are dumbfounded, you shake your head wondering if you are hallucinating. What you are seeing goes against all the laws of Nature. You think to yourself why would an animal be stupid enough to purposefully suck toxic carcinogenic smoke into its lungs? As you sit there and watch in amazement at this unbelievable behavior,  you notice there are young animals also gathered around, some on their mothers back hitching a ride and others staying close to their mothers for protection and others suckling their mothers for nourishment. As you look more intently, you notice the young ones instinctively wanting to get away from this toxic environment but are afraid to leave the safety of their parents side. Some make a futile attempt to fan the horrible burning smoke from their faces while others just sit there with their eyes and lungs burning from the toxic acrid smoke. You wonder why any animal would subject their young to such punishment when a parents job is to protect their young and nourish their growth to become strong healthy adults. This goes against everything you have ever observed in the animal kingdom, it flies in the face of logic. You realize you have made an unbelievable discovery, so unbelievable in fact, that no other scientist on the planet believes you because they know Nature would never favor such a self destructing behavior, and any animal that would be stupid enough to do such a thing to themselves and their young would have become extinct a long time ago.
  One day after giving a lecture on what you have discovered, you decide to go outside during break time and get some fresh air. It's Autumn, the sky is an incredible blue and the air is crisp and clean and you can't wait to get out of that stuffy lecture hall. As you step out the door, instead of fresh clean air, you get a whiff of some acrid disgusting smelling smoke, you look upwind, and down on the sidewalk you see a group of scientists standing around talking while purposely sucking toxic carcinogenic smoke into their lungs. A light goes off in your head and you say half out loud, holly crap, you godda be kiddin Me!
  Humans are supposed to be the most intelligent species on the planet. How and why it would ever occur to such an intelligent species to purposefully suck hot acrid foul smelling smoke into there lungs is beyond me. Yet as far back as history goes, humans have been purposefully poisoning themselves and their offspring because of this mindless habit. Even though it makes no sense logically and flies in the face of all things natural, and even as their body tells them with violent indignation that this is totally wrong, it is actually their intelligence that allows these people to circumvent their natural instinct. No animal with a lesser brain would ever be so stupid!
  In just the US, smoking kills 438,000 people a year ( ) and 5.4 million worldwide
 ( ) . It also costs the US 167 billion dollars ( )
  Smokers are some of the most disrespectful people on the planet, spewing stupidities like "I have a right to smoke if I want to". In all essence saying, "I have a right to kill myself if I want to". That may be so, but you have no right to kill your children and others in your family, or me for that matter,  just because you are a selfish moron. Yet for some reason the human society has allowed this stupidity to go on for thousands of years, what does this really say about human intelligence? Why is it if you smack your kid on the behind to teach them a lifelong lesson, or keep them in a hot car in the parking lot, society calls this child abuse. Yet if you poison your kid several times a day with poisonous carcinogenic smoke there is no recourse in our society. If you purposefully poison your child and put them in a situation that will cause them severe health problems ( ), and in reality, possibly murdering them in the long run, society basically accepts this. I believe if you are a parent and you expose your child to this poison several times a day on a daily bases, you should go to jail for child abuse. Someone need to speak for those who can't and it is our job as a society to protect our young and should come together to protect them from selfish harming parents. If you or another animal causes even perceived harm to the young of another species, the parent of that young one has the natural right to fight, protect and possibly kill the threat to protect their young. This is the natural order of things. Yet if someone blows poisonous carcinogenic smoke, which is proven to cause severe health effects or at the least make your child very uncomfortable, into the lungs of your child, you basically have no recourse. If you give the idiot who did this what they deserve, you would be the one to go to jail! How is it that our society is so out of whack with the reality of family and Nature that we would collectively allow this behavior? Well for one thing Big Tobacco has a strong lobby in this country and as we all know money is much more important than the health of the nations people and their children. Many smart caring politicians have tried to protect us and the young future of the nation only to be voted down by the politicians who are being paid by the tobacco companies.

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